The ass-ets of women have sometimes manifested the lie-abilities in men.


We are not the sun. The world does not revolve around us, but we all have an opportunity to shine.



What makes old age harder is not the failing of one's faculties but the burden of one's memories.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

"Living in Limbo, Texas"

Limbo, Texas, population…God only knows! There is no such place but there should be. Maybe I will make it happen. I could only imagine how many people would actually come to live there. I would promote the town as a temporary stopping place while your lives get back on track and moving along again.

I would have a “Limbo Corner Grocery” where I would really have to watch what comes in and goes out. I wouldn’t want spoiled product on the shelves from setting there so damn long. I could have a convenience store called “Limbo Come-N-Go” for those who just happen to be only passing through. What about a bar? Hmm…I would probably name it “The Lower Bar”, thinking that once you had your fill, you could actually crawl beneath it easily, without touching it, the bar that is. I would also have a “Limbo Public Library” for those who really want to go on with their lives by offering free WIFI or for those who really could give a shit about their situation and want to just have a good read.

Living in limbo would be stressful at times. Of course our neighbors would be a bit cranky at times. But all in all, I would do my best to make a great place to “visit” for a spell. God knows, I wouldn’t want any permanent residences there, not even for myself. Yeah! Living in Limbo, Texas would be an unforgettable experience for most. I would make sure of it. I know I will never forget my time in Limbo, Texas.

But, I must say that even so Limbo, Texas has been a bitch, and will continue to be so until I get out, I have met some mighty fine folks here that have been so good to me and so much help in just being there, and I hope I have been the same to them. Maybe one day you will Google Limbo, Texas on a map and it will be there with all of the information from Wikipedia. If so, I will see you there!