The ass-ets of women have sometimes manifested the lie-abilities in men.


We are not the sun. The world does not revolve around us, but we all have an opportunity to shine.



What makes old age harder is not the failing of one's faculties but the burden of one's memories.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

"My Daily Dime"....

I haven’t written anything in a long while maybe because I haven’t had a lot to bitch about lately which has been a very good thing. To be quite frank, I am not sure I can say anything worth reading but I am going to give it my best shot. It’s just when things are going according to plan or better, you don’t take the time to concentrate on anything negative. You just roll with it!

Some time ago, going on six to eight years or so, I practically went through about two years were I would find a dime somewhere in our house. I would find them on the floor, usually in places you wouldn’t think of finding anything at all of value. I often wondered why this phenomenon was taking place and I still wonder to this day because it is happening again. I can safely say I have found more dimes than pennies in my lifetime. I haven’t decided if it’s a good or bad omen. Maybe it just is. What I do know is in the time past of my daily dime, life was very good. I was with or near family, I was employed, and was fairly content with the way my life had turned out and headed. I was pretty much on top of my world.

Life can be a road side disaster waiting to happen with all of the twists and turns with no guard rails to keep you between and out of the ditches and every once in a while, we do leave the road. Sometimes the damage is minor and sometimes chaotic at best and you spend so much time trying to fix things until you can get back on the road again and most of that time is spent trying to figure out how. Eventually you succeed and you are on your merry way to your original destination.

If I had to describe the meaning or the reasoning behind my daily dime it would be that good things don’t always come at once, unlike life’s little crashes we experience. It’s always about picking up the pieces of your broken life and putting it back together as best you can and hopefully leaving no scars or pieces behind. I have never concerned myself of whether or not these daily dimes were found on heads or tails, just that they were there for me to find. Take value in every piece for each one has its own place in the puzzle that when put together, makes a whole. These pieces can be family, friends or simple acquaintances that we happen to meet along the road. Their value is incomparable to any inanimate object we may have lost in the crash. I am forever grateful for my daily dimes.

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