The ass-ets of women have sometimes manifested the lie-abilities in men.


We are not the sun. The world does not revolve around us, but we all have an opportunity to shine.



What makes old age harder is not the failing of one's faculties but the burden of one's memories.


Saturday, June 29, 2024

Revelationary Dreams...

I laid down for a nap prior to my workday actually beginning and I was awakened by a dream. It was a vivid dream with a short conversation, so it wasn't a long dream by any means. I couldn't think straight for a few moments, but once the fog of sleep had lifted, thoughts become pouring into my mind. A person I had met some time ago was in my dream and I hadn't spoken to this person for a while now and even longer since I had seen them. In the dream I had just awakened and was going onto the kitchen for some coffee and there this person was. I asked quietly, "What are you doing?". The reply was, "I'm cleaning.". That's when I awakened for real from my nap. 

Why? Why now? Why this day? I had no answers to these questions. We grow quite fond of some people over time, but as life happens, things and situations change. And sometimes these changes are directly affiliated with how we interact with people. People do respond to us, just not in a way we wish for. I had learned a very valuable lesson. When we care very much for certain people our brain will not allow us to actually lie to these people and that actually makes sense, but it can be costly. So, what I have learned is to not say or speak so much about how I feel, especially when deep inside I know the truthful outcome of what may or cannot be. Sometimes, speaking of how you feel puts an undue burden on others and all they know to do is to disappear and they are completely blameless.

The price we pay is a loss of what could have been a very long and endearing friendship. It's very painful to endure. "I would rather have your friendship than nothing at all." is a phrase I have heard all of my life, and it is very applicable for some encounters we have in our lives. Understand what it is. Accept what it is. You may not be able to control how you may feel but you can control how you react and knowing the reality of things can manifest what you can really appreciate in others. They are people, too. They have their own lives and experiences they rely on that protect them from just about anything. Respect that.

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