It's an early Friday evening and you haven't been home from work very long. You have a date tonight. Your mind is firing on all one billion cylinders, stressing over what to wear, what you are going to do, and most importantly, how will it go? You want very much to put your best forward into the light. There is an abundance of 'What if's' slowing you down but motivating you at the same time. What a time to be alive, right? How were things the days, or times prior to this day?
You wake up and go through your daily routine, go to work and come home, and chill in the way you do that is sort of private, so you don't chat about that very much. "It's just me here" so you really don't give a shit about appearances. you're just being you.
I have always believed, for a very long time now, that people aren't really lazy. They just lack motivation. This is a debatable idea for some, so bear with me. Even the "laziest" people you may know can be motivated to accomplish something if you know what it is that will put a fire under their ass.
Everyone has wants, needs, ideas, or goals they deem valuable enough to go for. Most of the time, once goals are attained, or wants and needs have been fulfilled, we return to the mundane in our lives until the next adventure arises. Then we stress again. We become motivated.
My question is, why are we so motivated to better ourselves for others, and not just for ourselves? Do we feel inadequate, less than what we feel we should be, in our own eyes? Are we just not worth the effort? Usually, those times are more intense, involving more in-depth decisions that would most likely result in a change in life or lifestyle. Most of the time, scrutiny towards us over time impacts us detrimentally, leaving us to doubt ourselves and lessen our self-worth and this is extremely difficult to overcome.
So, how bad do you want the change? How will you benefit? What are the costs for making the wrong decision or not making one at all? Are the rewards of making the best decision worth it? The most important question one needs to ask as well as answer is "Am I worth it?". When the heart is pure in the results you desire, then success will not escape you. I hope this is true.
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