The ass-ets of women have sometimes manifested the lie-abilities in men.


We are not the sun. The world does not revolve around us, but we all have an opportunity to shine.



What makes old age harder is not the failing of one's faculties but the burden of one's memories.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"Young Love"

Do you remember love when it was young? Can you remember how it made you feel and what it made you do? Your emotions are on a roller coaster gone wild. Nothing seems to make sense. Concentration has become a thing of the past. You think of only one thing…or person. You are anxious about meeting her or him again. You have difficulty making even the simplest decisions like calling her or him. What should take only a split second takes minutes and sometimes hours to do, such as making that phone call. You wonder if and when you do if it will be accepted with the same enthusiasm as you have in making it. Then you finally make the phone call, weighing what you would lose if you hadn’t versus what you would gain now that you have.

Love, when it is young, wreaks havoc on your mind, body spirit and soul. Your stomach can stay in knots for days or more. Your heart screams for release of all this pent up love that you suddenly realize you had. Within your soul, a lightning storm in the night thrives; flashes of bright light in a darkened world of the unknown. Your spirit sings in perfect harmony the love songs you have come to enjoy.

You are constantly thinking of the worst…of it coming abruptly to an end. The fear is unbearable. Yet, you push forward through the thick haze of confusion, hopefully having the fog to lift and you are standing in clarity. Your loin burns and aches as all you can think of is making love to the one, feeling your body against one another, becoming one, over and over again until you are completely satisfied and yet…you begin to ache and burn again until the next time.

You kiss for the first time and the taste and memory of that kiss lingers like the sweetest perfume filling the air, leaving you wanting more. You share your dreams, your hopes, and your inner most secrets that you could never share with just anyone. Your mind reviews everything that has been said, written or implied, over and over again until it is memorized.

Love when it is young, there is nothing like it in the world. No matter your age, it makes you feel younger at heart. It gives you life and makes it worth living. It causes you to want to give of yourself. Love and being in love is a most beautiful thing.

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