I have been a little busy the last few days. My Grandson, Eli, has been visiting me and he is a handful! So, my mind has been taken to a place where life lives with the sound of little children (my son’s girlfriend has her daughter here, too). It can be deafening. I has been deafening at times.
I spent the last few days working in the Texas heat…sweating my ass off. That could be a good thing in that maybe I can lose a couple of unwanted pounds. Hey! I can dream can’t I? When I get home from work, I simply collapse and soak up as much air conditioning as I possibly can. I check my e-mails, then check out what’s been happening in the worlds of my online friends. It’s summer time, so there is very little action online, and I can understand that. But it does get boring…very, very boring!
My patience is wearing thin as of late, though. The job market is the pits. I have resumes spread out all over the southern United States, from California to Florida and nothing seems to be happening. The reccession has really done some serious damage. But, Lord have mercy, two years without full time employment is really coming close to breaking my spirit.
I am glad I have had the pleasure of Eli’s company. He has been a blessing by taking my mind elsewhere for a few days. Besides, I don’t get to see him that often. Thank God for small favors such as grandkids! The noise level is higher than a cats ass, but it beats the quietness of my own mind and wanting things to get better.
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