The ass-ets of women have sometimes manifested the lie-abilities in men.


We are not the sun. The world does not revolve around us, but we all have an opportunity to shine.



What makes old age harder is not the failing of one's faculties but the burden of one's memories.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"I Still Believe"

In retrospect, I absolutely want to write in between the lines concerning my previous posting. Truly, I can feel my body changing. Age is surely taking its toll on just about every organ and tissue, and every once a blue moon I feel those changes, literally. And I do wonder a lot lately about how much my sexual ability has deteriorated over the last few years.

But, and you should know me by now, I also think about how much my attitude and how I feel in my heart would counteract my physical shortcomings. The thing is, I still believe in true love. Yes, true love! Maybe, I’m a dreamer. I honestly don’t know for sure. But what I do know is that all my life I have always asked myself, “How can I make it better?” I’m not just talking love. I have asked myself that about most everything, even people. WOW! Sounds a little bit arrogant, doesn’t it? All I can say is the human race is an arrogant species. Ok, I am getting off track here.

I can’t help but know in my heart of hearts that true love exists, somewhere, somehow, between two people. I just know it. And I want it! I want it so much I can taste it, feel it, smell it, hear it, and see it in my mind’s eye. But what really gets me excited is that I want to share what I know and feel, and hoping one day that it will happen. Whether it does, remains to be seen.

Most everyone knows how love makes you feel when it is new, fresh off the vine, even the very moments before and after your first kiss. It’s much like an orgasm in many ways, leaving you warm all over. How can you maintain those emotions through time? That’s what it’s all about for me, making it better. I believe with all my heart, for myself, in that having a love for someone that harbors no shame is how those emotions are kept alive through the years.

Knowing deep inside that you have done everything your heart has led you to do will cause passions to rise in spite of age. It all begins with honesty. Opposites, indeed, may very well attract, but the hearts of two people must come together, first, in this magnetic field, defying the law of physics in that they are of the same polarity. You must also know your own heart. You must be honest with yourself.

Maybe I am a dreamer. But that’s ok with me. Sometimes my dreams are all I have for motivation. I do wonder that if God does grant me this lifelong heart’s desire, especially this late in my life, will my heart overrule my broken down body in expressing my unending love for the woman He has chosen for me. I can’t help believing that it will. I know you’re out there somewhere. I want to take it to the limit!

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