The ass-ets of women have sometimes manifested the lie-abilities in men.


We are not the sun. The world does not revolve around us, but we all have an opportunity to shine.



What makes old age harder is not the failing of one's faculties but the burden of one's memories.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

"Déjà Vu"

I was about fourteen years old when my sister and her family had returned from Anchorage, Alaska. With all the excitement of their home coming, they wanted to show everyone a home movie of their trip home and of the beautiful countryside as they drove the however many miles it was for them. While sitting there watching this movie, I kept thinking to myself, “This scenery is so very familiar to me”. I had a very strong feeling deep within my soul that I had been there before. The strangest thing was that I hadn’t. I had only been out of state a few times and that was to drive across the river into Oklahoma to get alcohol for my Grandfather. But this overwhelming feeling that I had has remained with me all these years. I often think that I had lived in the Pacific Northwest sometime during a previous life. I have always had a fixation with Seattle, ever since I was even way younger. My curiosity is still strong about that city.

I have these déjà vu experiences from time to time, usually about things that have happened in the past, long forgotten memories maybe. I can’t really say because I can’t remember the events specifically. I just feel I had been there or experienced it before at some time. Maybe these experiences are from dreams I may have had that I never remember upon awakening. All I do know is that is such a weird feeling.

As far as déjà vu, I find it easy to believe that we can certainly have lived a previous life, somewhere in some time, long before the present. I have seen my own son describe things and people he had never met, neighbors actually, that had passed away long before he was even born, but he would describe them to a ‘T’ in detail. This is creepy. How did he know these things? He was never told about these people. They had long been forgotten; sad but true.

I have to give the human spirit the benefit of a doubt when it comes to it living on after we have gone, even to the point of it being reinstated into someone else’s life. Somehow, I feel I have lived in some other time, somewhere in the Seattle area, sometime in the early to mid nineteenth century. I can’t help this, I just feel it strongly. I often wonder if I will live again sometime in the future and how it will be then. Will I be able to travel among the stars and explore new worlds. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? But it is interesting to me, very much so! I can hardly wait to find out.

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